Thursday, January 12, 2017

Is It Right?

Is it wrong to wear diapers as a Christian? This whole conversation is from the assumption that said person does not medically need diapers, are not incontinent, and are wearing by choice/and or desire. Most of us would argue things like, "I'm not idolizing it", "I'm not hurting anyone", or "I'm not making it sexual". If you find yourself doing one of the above, idolizing, hurting someone, or making it a sexual thing one might find it hard to argue that the action is not sinful. But, if you can say the above statements truthfully then they are fair arguments. Right?

Well maybe there is more to it than that.

I would propose that the question is not "is it wrong?" but "is it right". What I mean by this is this: Is this really bringing me and others closer to God? Before Jesus is arrested we find him praying for his current disciples and future followers (US!). In John 17:11 we get a sneak peak into what Jesus himself wanted for us in the long run. He prayed that we "may be one as we (God and Jesus) are one." All Jesus wanted for us was to become one with him and his father. To become right with him, become righteous and set apart from our old sin nature.

Sin nature is our natural tendency to seek things of the "world" instead of God. ie. Adam and Eve wanted to be like God and see things like him so they disobeyed his command. I don't think many if any in the ABDL community could say that they don't wear diapers for some sort of self serving gratification. Whether its a feel good thing, for a psychological comfort, a physical turn on, or even laziness, I think it could be safe to argue that this would be a self serving action. In Galatians 5:24 Paul states that "Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires." Long story short when we become a Christian, and dedicate or life to God, we have been spiritually put to death and God has given us a new life and a fresh start (see Galatians 2:20). When we make that initial decision we are beginning the process of being made new (2 Cor 5:17). Becoming a Christ follower is not a "free ticket to heaven card" but a call to action (don't get me wrong you get to go to heaven which is pretty sweet). Jesus doesn't say "thanks for following me guys its been a fun time! See ya!". He says go! (Matt 28:19)

I would argue that all sin is rooted in selfishness anyway. For me, and probably most, wearing diapers is a selfish thing. BUT God's call to us is not to "do whatever makes you happy". Instead Paul tells us,

"31 So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. 32 Do not cause anyone to stumble, whether Jews, Greeks or the church of God— 33 even as I try to please everyone in every way. For I am not seeking my own good but the good of many, so that they may be saved."

Now there is a lot there so lets break it down. First off, is this decision for the glory of God or to serve yourself?  Secondly, EVEN if you might still say, "Hey I'm the exception, I can do this thing without sinning", are you possibly causing others to stumble? Is your encouragement or support for the ABDL community causing someone else to sin? Oh yeah. I am asking you to think about other people. Not so easy, BUT we have to, especially as all Christians are called to make disciples of all nations right? (aka The Great Commission). How are we to teach others about God and him rescuing them from their sin if we are dragging them further down the black hole of sin?

So ask yourself again, "Is it right?"